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Thursday, September 16, 2010

metro manila tour

I had a tour of Metro Manila this morning, with the help of Elson, the office driver. It's actually job-related but Elson and I connived to take some tour of Makati, Eastwood, Fort Boni, Edsa, Cubao and Malacanang rolled into one trip. This chance I get every month.

Makati is getting old. Only its shopping district is getting remodelled. Eastwood is like a wine. It gets better as it grows old. The achitecture of the place goes with the feel of the place. There is distinct feel of romance with the place's architectire and design. I hope the succeeding developments will abide with that.

I finally got the chance to see most of Fort Boni's street art. They are amazing! I join Daphne Osena's call to promote public art in this country. We are a country of artists. Aren't we the country of Juan Lunas and Amorsolos? Soon, I'll be back to have my pictures taken.

EDSA is still EDSA. The billboards cramp the view of the CBDs along the way. The traffic is still slow, but has improved since the previous years. Malacanang needs beautification. The landmarks within its border are decaying.

Overall, the Fort Boni is the most exciting place I visited. I have to schedule another day to cover the whole place.

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