and so we meet

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Saturday, July 31, 2010


It's official. I am now a licensed environmental/urban planner.

When I took my MA four years ago, I never thought that it has a board exam. Well, my graduate course has none so knowing that my post-graduate course has makes me excited. Last June 14-15, I took the EnP board exam, with only three days of review. Yup, that's right. I only reviewed exactly three days before the exam. Taking the exam is just an afterthought after I declined joining an international convention in Korea because it will cover my first month during the first sem in law school.

After the first day of exam, I thought I am not going to pass. I failed to review a bulk of the concepts covered. I thought of not returning the next day. But I went on and thought I did well the next day. The questions are relatively easier and being a law student helped. The exam questions covered statutes on planning and some constitutional law concepts. Yesterday, I took of my oath in Club Filipino. Time to think how to maximize this profession.